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Mid Back Pain


Middle back pain or upper back pain is felt in the thoracic region of the spine. This is the part of the spine to which the rib cage attaches, and the accompanying muscles keep you standing or sitting up straight. Pain symptoms in this region mainly originate from muscular strain, ligament sprain or from direct trauma, or sometimes from the ribs. Your Osteopath will do a full screening & examination to find the route cause of your symptoms and can then recommend the best form of treatment.



  • Posture: Poor posture is the biggest cause of middle back pain. Poor posture means your muscles cannot work effectively, causing them to be overworked, which in turn causes pain.

  • Trauma: Trauma to the spine should always be taken seriously, and if you suspect anything serious then your first visit should be to A&E to get checked out. Trauma can cause bone fractures and muscle/ligament strain or tears.

  • Tight muscle: Tight muscles don’t allow your back to function properly, which can cause restrictions in the mechanics of your spine – thus causing pain.

  • Over use: Manual workers and people who do lots of sport (such as golf, javelin, discus or swimming) can have issues in this area from overuse. We can provide different strategies to help the condition.

  • Muscle weakness: Weak back muscles are the cause of most people’s back pain and back injuries. This can cause poor posture and overuse injuries due to the muscle not being strong enough to perform.


Symptoms can include;


  • Back pain

  • Stiffness

  • Limited Range of Motion

  • Muscle Weakness

  • Muscle Pain

  • Poor Posture

  • Local Pain

  • Referred Pain

  • Muscle Spasm

  • Pain with Movement

  • Muscle Loss

  • Local Swelling

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Clicking, Popping or Crunching from the spine



The type of treatment suitable for middle back pain primarily depends on the cause of the symptoms.  Osteopathic treatment can help or resolve mid back pain. Experienced & specialised osteopathic techniques aim to encourage increased joint mobility, improve posture, release excessive muscle tightness & increase muscle strength. Advice may be given to correct bad carrying/lifting habits if necessary.


Osteopathic treatment can include;


  • Osteopathic adjustments to the mid and upper spine

  • Posture correction, advice & stretches 

  • Osteopathic clinical massage to address stress and fatigue within the deep and superficial muscles related to the mid and upper back

  • Specific osteopathic assisted stretching of the muscles related to the mid & upper back

  • Strengthening exercise plan for long term improvement and progress

  • Works Environment Analysis and advice (computer desk set up, driving position etc.)

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